Acquiring desired commodities for everyday life seems to have become a purely mechanical problem with the rise of e-commerce and global supply chains. But when it comes to shopping for something less represented in online platforms, people have a different set of expectations in the retail environments they visit.
For mall developers and retail brands, a critical theme is to create engaging lifestyle destinations that respond to these changing expectations while ensuring efficiency and sustainability.
Curating a diverse customer journey is one answer to the call, and offers a value-added experience beyond tangible requirements, said LWK + PARTNERS Director Ferdinand Cheung at a MIPIM Asia Summit panel titled “Retail as a Lifestyle: Going towards Mixed-use”. Ferdinand shared his experience and insights of designing integrated lifestyle complexes that involves careful planning of circulation routes as well as interconnected commercial, functional and social spaces.
MIPIM Asia Summit 2019 took place on 26-27 November in Hong Kong, drawing over 700 participants from around the world to exchange on wide-ranging topics concerning the prospect of Asian markets.
LWK + PARTNERS is known for giving life to mixed-use commercial spaces with innovative use of space, inspiring architecture and expressive interiors. This experience has helped inform many constructive conversations at global conferences as the firm continues to spread design values worldwide.