Hong Kong, China
427 sqm
The Food Story
LWK + PARTNERS took inspiration from the Yoshida Fire Festival to create an elegant ambiance for Art of Canton (formerly known as Kei Cuisine), a luxury Cantonese restaurant located in one of Hong Kong’s core retail areas.
The entrance features a show kitchen with an eye-catching grill counter that resembles the iconic tapering form of Mount Fuji – a landscape always in sight during the festival. Guests are then guided down a moody corridor enriched with split-faced stone walls.
The dining area offers two distinct but connected experiences, leading guests from an enthusiastic and delightful main dining area to three private dining rooms with serenity. The visitor’s attention would be captured by a gorgeous lantern-shaped chandelier above plush banquette seating while translucent partitions between the private rooms and main hall have patterns adapted from the chef’s ink painting. A giant red velvet wall at the end invokes the spectacular scene of the festival. Every detail from the grand entrance to the furniture, carpet, decorative lighting and other details have been tailored to reflect the spirit of the Yoshida festival.