Hong Kong, China
13,922 sqm
45,943 sqm (Domestic )
6,961 sqm (Non-Domestic)
Wheelock Properties (HK) Ltd.
Designed and executed by LWK + PARTNERS, the all-new waterfront residential development, SAVANNAH, is the third residential projects in the O’South series developed by Wheelock Properties. The development was named after the metropolis next to the canals in the south of America. The design is a display of the metropolis’ dynamic energy and the river’s quiet comfort.
Located on Chi Shin Street, Tseung Kwan O, SAVANNAH comprises five 2-storey houses, two 21-storey residential towers, two 9-storey residential towers, a 2-storey commercial podium, a 3-storey club house, a 1-storey basement car park complete with loading/unloading bays. There are a total of 804 residential units in the development. Proper greenery and active store frontage are placed and built along the side of the development by the waterfront.
Linkage between the south side of the development and the cycling path and promenade along the waterfront allows pedestrians and cyclists access between the waterfront and other inland developments. Bright and open space with a mix of hard and soft landscaping is provide along three sides of the development, creating a responsive frontage that would make walking through the development an enjoyment for users. The landscape design creates a pleasant green surrounding and streetscape for SAVANNAH residents. In terms of functionality, planting on ground floor provides ample shade and cooling in order to reduce the heat island effect.
The elevation of the residential towers is designed to maintain harmony with the existing residential context, and establish a distinctive image for the development. Green wall system is introduced into the internal courtyard on ground level, giving it environmental merits, but more importantly, it has created a recognisable identity for SAVANNAH.