• EN
    30 June 2018

    Big Win for Transit-Oriented Development

    Transit-oriented development (TOD) is one of the topics that can instantly stir up a room full of architects. All metropolitans around the globe are circling new town developments around TOD to effectively solve traffic congestions, which will, in turn, contribute to quality living and sustainability. As an industry leader, LWK has tapped into the market long ago, and we are pleased to announce that we have just made another big win in the sector.

    Our team has recently won a bid for masterplanning and architectural design for a TOD project in the Jiangbei New District in Nanjing, China, which is an important base for research and development as well as education in the city. Situated near Taishan Xincun Station and Baotashan Country Park, the development will become the next key integrated transportation hub.

    Our team underwent intensive research on the site and its surrounding area to devise a development strategy that describes its function and position, as well as define space around the station within the planning area. The aspired mixed-use development will include office building, residence, shopping centre, commercial street, public transportation exchange hub, and a district community service centre.
    From the urban planning point of view, the project integrates multiple sites and functions separated by motor highways through the underground space. In restoring Baotashan Park, the existing space and mass are preserved while also maximising its potential.

    With improvements on community facilities in the neighbourhood, it will become a community centre and public service centre. The park’s smart promenades connect the surrounding schools to form a R&D and innovation area. To inject a dash of green into the city, the design also includes a multi-level green platform, which represents the green living concept – a multi-functional space that keeps the city and its people healthy.

    In terms of the architecture, the commercial building adopts a fluid design as a continuation of Nanjing’s natural landscape, which is rich of hills and waters. The earth-covered constructions blend seamlessly into the existing hills and form an organic, dynamic urban environment. The multiple sunken plazas will become new meeting points for city events. The residential towers feature multiple sky gardens to elevate the living experience and enrich the city’s skyline. The half-sunken public transport hub is a unique architecture that houses a high efficiency transit system.

    This win is not only for us – it is also a win for TOD. As the concept continues to penetrate the international market, more and more cities are adopting the method to ease traffic load on roads and promote a greener lifestyle. LWK’s expertise in the sector, our in-depth research on the surrounding area and deep understanding of client’s and users’ needs enabled us to grasp the opportunity and contribute to a better living environment and smarter cities.


    Project Information

    Location: Nanjing, China

    G.F.A.: 400,000 sq. m.

    Client: Nanjing Jiangbei New District Economic Hub Development Office and Jiangsu Complete Equipment Co., Ltd.

    Scope of Services: Masterplanning and Architectural Design