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    25 May 2023

    Exploring the Role of Vertical Cities and Urban Metabolism in Shaping our Living Environment

    For the second consecutive year LWK + PARTNERS takes part in 2A ArchTalk and Workshop 2023 held on the 25th of May at the Canadian University Dubai Campus. Global Design Director Kourosh Salehi an architect deeply invested in the future of architecture and urbanism, addressed critical issues related to the transformative potential of vertical cities and their impact on urban metabolism.

    Our Senior Architect Marija Krsmanovic took on the role of Professional leading at the conference. The event served as a platform for attendees to engage in a meaningful dialogue about the importance of our living environment and its profound influence on our well-being. With more than 60 percent of the global population residing in urban areas, how we perceive, design, and shape these cities becomes crucial for our cultural, social, and economic health.

    Salehi’s presentation centred around the concept of “Vertical Cities and Urban Metabolism” had shed light on one of our latest projects situated in the heart of Dubai International Financial Centre. This project, which serves as a testament to innovative architectural design and sustainable urban planning, presents an opportunity to reimagine our urban environments collectively.

    By exploring the intricate relationship between verticality, sustainability, and the dynamic flow of resources within urban ecosystems, Salehi emphasized the significance of urban metabolism in achieving a harmonious balance between human needs and environmental sustainability. The project showcased during the event demonstrated a holistic approach that prioritizes the well-being of inhabitants while striving for efficient use of resources.

    “2A ArchTalk and Workshop 2023” provided a platform for architects, urban planners, and enthusiasts to come together and delve into the future of architecture and urbanism. Attendees had the opportunity to exchange ideas, gain valuable insights, and contribute to the discourse surrounding the evolution of our living environments.

    Together, we continue to reimagine our urban spaces, creating sustainable and thriving communities that prioritize the well-being of individuals and the environment.