• EN
    25 February 2022

    Talking carbon: articulating the role of façades

    An energy-efficient building envelope goes a long way towards designing successful green buildings in the shift towards carbon neutrality.

    Window & Façade Magazine, renowned for its global influence on future façades and fenestrations, published the insights of LWK + PARTNERS Design Research Director Professor Stephen Lau on how to design zero energy buildings that serve decarbonisation purposes while providing occupants with a thermally comfortable environment.

    “Passive design features involving the building form and fabric, overhangs and shading devices form the core of all energy-saving approaches,” wrote Prof Lau.

    He went on to explain how active designs like Internet of Things (IoT) systems are useful for augmenting passive ones in boosting a building’s energy performance. IoT sensors capture a wide range of real-time environmental data which can be fed back to smart building management systems to prompt adaptive responses, creating a smart responsive environment.

    Click here to read full feature, or here to visit our insights page .