LWK + PARTNERS scored a glamorous hit this summer at The 8th CREDAWARD 2021-2022 by winning one Gold, two Silver and three Merit Awards in an extremely fierce competition with more than 1,000 entries.
Organised by DJSER, The 8th CREDAWARD 2021-2022 is long recognised a key benchmark for China’s property industry. Due to its tough selection process, transparent judging and strict mechanism, it is hailed as one of most challenging awards to enter in the sector.
Winning projects of LWK + PARTNERS:
10 LaSalle, Hong Kong, China (Click for project details)
∙ Residential Project – High-end Boutique Housing Estate (Gold Award)
City Resort, Chongqing, China
∙ Residential Project – Demonstration Area (Silver Award)
Wetland Seasons Park, Hong Kong, China
∙ Landscape Design – Residential Project (Silver Award)
Suzhou Longfor Centre, Suzhou, China (Click for project details)
∙ Commercial Mixed-use Project – Integrated Development (Merit Award)
XINLAND PRO ONE, Xiamen, China
∙ Residential Project – High-end Boutique Housing Estate (Merit Award)
THE CITY CENTRE, Kunming, China
∙ Residential Project – High-end Boutique Housing Estate (Merit Award)